PHP has no defined enums in its language, but there are easy ways of creating your own that are elegant, working solutions.
An enum can be mimicked using a class with constant values set to integers. Note: There are many ways of doing this. This is just one! At the bottom of the post is a link containing alternative solutions.
<?php abstract class DaysOfWeek { const Sunday = 0; const Monday = 1; // etc. } var $today = DaysOfWeek::Sunday; ?>
In this example the enum DaysOfWeek contains the constants Sunday and Monday. You could extend the code to use a switch case block in which the cases are stated like the $today variable:
<?php abstract class DaysOfWeek { const Sunday = 0; const Monday = 1; // etc. } var $today = DaysOfWeek::Sunday; switch($today) { case DaysOfWeek::Sunday: // do sunday logic break; case DaysOfWeek::Monday: // Monday logic break; } ?>
This is just one way of mimicking enums in PHP. Here are some other ways!
Nifty. Helped me set up a deck of cards enum
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