
Saturday, December 24, 2011

How to insert rage faces on facebook chat

Insert the following into a chat with your friends:

Troll face [[171108522930776]]
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME [[143220739082110]]
Not bad Obama [[169919399735055]]
Me Gusta[[211782832186415]]
Mother of God[[142670085793927]]
Cereal Guy[[170815706323196]]
LOL Face[[168456309878025]]
NO Guy[[167359756658519]]
Yao Ming [[218595638164996]]
Derp [[224812970902314]]
Derpina [[192644604154319]]
Forever Alone [[177903015598419]]
Not Bad [[NotBaad]]
Fuck yeah [[105387672833401]]
Challang accepted [[100002727365206]]
Okay face [[100002752520227]]
Dumb bitch [[218595638164996]]
Poker face [[129627277060203]]
Okay face [[224812970902314]]
Socially awkward penguin [[98438140742]]
Rage face [[FUUUOFFICIAL]]
Lamp [[100001256102462]]
No [[167359756658519]]
MOG [[142670085793927]]
Feel like a sir [[168040846586189]]
Forever alone christmas [[125038607580286]]

Click here to see more codes from Reddit Users 

Alphabet Codes:

[[107015582669715]] = A
[[116067591741123]] = B
[[115602405121532]] = C
[[112542438763744]] = D
[[115430438474268]] = E
[[109225112442557]] = F
[[111532845537326]] = G
[[111356865552629]] = H
[[109294689102123]] = I
[[115636698451811]] = J (hard to read, but legit)
[[116651741681944]] = K
[[115807951764667]] = L
[[106596672714242]] = M
[[108634132504932]] = N
[[116564658357124]] = O
[[111669128857397]] = P
[[107061805996548]] = Q
[[106699962703083]] = R
[[115927268419031]] = S
[[112669162092780]] = T
[[108983579135532]] = U
[[107023745999320]] = V
[[106678406038354]] = W
[[116740548336581]] = X
[[112416755444217]] = Y
[[165724910215]] = Z (dark on white, different from other letters)

Forget copying pasting one by one. 
Try the Auto Facebook Text Generator.

The following is an excerpt from reddit. It contains codes to insert images into facebook chat Facebook Smileys (chat emoticon codes) or facebook image codes.


You can do it with any image using its image code in the [[ ]] brackets

Pwned my gay noob friend with this

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